Pension fund with venture capacity

§ Benchmark Calculation Policy

The efficacy of the Demo Fund is rigorously assessed through a comparative analysis against a set of pre-defined benchmark portfolios. This benchmarking process is critical for gauging the fund’s performance relative to established market indicators and alternative investment strategies.

Selected Benchmark Portfolios:

  1. S&P 500 Index (SPX): This broad-market index serves as a conventional benchmark, representing the U.S. equity market performance.
  2. Ethereum (ETH): As a leading digital asset, Ethereum provides a direct comparative for the performance of blockchain-based investments.
  3. 50/50 Bitcoin-Ethereum Portfolio (BTCETH): A balanced portfolio comprising equal allocations to Bitcoin and Ethereum, offering a benchmark for diversified crypto asset performance.

Benchmark Valuation Rules

Performance Measurement Criteria

The performance of both the demonstration fund and the benchmark portfolios is quantified as the percentage variation in the current capitalization of the portfolios relative to the aggregate investment outlay.

ABC and benchmarks intermediate results comparison, %

Updated weekly

Current state of the compared funds:

Portfolio SPX BTC ETH AUM Performance, USD
ABC $14,969 46.04%
SPX 2.4676065949027 $13,471 31.42%
ETH 6.39480549041629 $21,270 107.51%
BTCETH 0.209437076283243 3.19740274520814 $25,143 145.30%
Current Funding Volume: $10,250.